Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sprint Mobile IP Relay app alludes to Samsung Galaxy S II, Samsung M930, and Kyocera Oblique

Sprint Mobile IP relay

A quick peek at the description for the Sprint Mobile IP Relay app, designed to allow users with hearing disabilities to place relay calls using text on Android phones, gives us a look at some upcoming devices -- Notably the Samsung Galaxy S II.  Listed along side things we know and love like the Optimus S and HTC EVO 4G, we see the Galaxy everyone is aching for, as well as the mid-range Samsung M930 (a qwerty slider said to be heading to Boost Mobile) and the decidedly low-end Kyocera Oblique.

Nothing here is really new -- and anyone can put anything they want in their app's description. But seeing it in print -- err pixels -- is bound to make more than a few happy.  The Galaxy S II is coming, and I know quite a few folks on Sprint ready for it.

Submitted via the Android Central app


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